How to Solve Your Top Social Media Marketing Problems

Marketing Tools & Tips Social Media Best Practices

Even the best social media marketers encounter everyday bumps in the road. While the struggle may be real, the good news is: these social media marketing problems can be solved.

Here are a few helpful tools and strategies you can implement right now.


Your Social Media Marketing Problems, Solved.

Problem #1

You’re pressured to “pay to play,” and you’re not sure if you should.

social media marketing problems and solutions

Remember the good ol’ early days of social media? I sure do. Brands were joining Facebook and Twitter left and right and connecting with audiences for free. All marketers had to do was create excellent content, drive traffic to their page, and sit back and watch as the likes, shares, and followers started rolling in.

As you know, today’s social media world looks a little bit different. Changing algorithms are a harsh reality, and audiences (especially on Facebook and Instagram) aren’t automatically receiving your updates anymore, regardless if they’ve opted in to “like” or “follow” your accounts or not.

How to solve this problem:

While it’s hard to beat the free exposure we enjoyed 8-10 years ago, the good news is paid social media advertising is incredibly effective in helping marketers connect and better target the right audiences. Best of all, you can track the results of your content and demographics along the way, equipping you with the data you need to learn what works and what doesn’t in real time, and tweak as needed.

Get started with paid social media advertising by:

Beauty Brands Boosted posts - social media marketing problems and solutions



Problem #2

You’re creating great content, but influencers don’t notice, engage or promote your brand.

social media marketing problems and solutions


How to solve this problem:

When an influencer shares your content or promotes your product or service, their dedicated fans are paying close attention. These mentions directly influence consumer-purchasing decisions. Every social media marketer wants influencers to notice and promote their brand, but it can be difficult to attract their attention in the first place. Just like any relationship, it takes two to create a strong connection, but as the brand, it is up to you to do the initial legwork to get on their radar.

After creating a steady stream of excellent content with your editorial calendar, take these steps to begin building relationships with influencers.

Offer something valuable.

Humans are pretty simple; we pay attention when given a reason to care. Brands are in excellent position to offer influencers products and services as an introduction to the brand, and incentive for promotion. Offers may include a free first class or mailing a product in exchange for an honest review.

Before the offer can happen, social media marketers should start by listening to determine what someone will elicit a positive response. Spend time studying an influencer’s current content. Often, what they talk about most reveals their priorities.

How RX Bar earned an ambassador

During the New Year, it’s no secret that diet and fitness are on a lot of people’s minds. The Whole 30 is a popular diet plan that’s been trending the last few years. Merritt Beck of The Style Scribe prioritizes health and fitness and shared her Whole 30 journey online. When she tried a Whole 30 approved RX Bar, she took to Snapchat to share how much she liked it. It’s a small world, so naturally one of her followers who works for RX Bar saw her post and took the initiative by sending her multiple flavors to try. Consequently, Merritt talked about the pleasant surprise and then elaborated about her new favorite flavors. She discussed the experience on her more casual platforms like Snapchat, but also mentioned it in one of her weekly videos on YouTube (a more polished production). For hardly any effort or cost, that RX Bar marketer just skyrocketed awareness of the product and increased reach among a new audience of fans devoted to Merritt and her opinion.

social media marketing problems and solutions - Merritt Beck and RXBar Instagram Post

In your listening, take opportunities like RX Bar to:

Problem #3:

Sometimes it feels like you’re just talking to your audience, instead of engaging in a valuable, two-way dialogue.

social media marketing problem solved: engage in two-way conversation on social media

By now, most of us are familiar with the drill: listen to your audience, create content they want, and monitor the feedback. But at what point does that just become talking AT your audience, instead of creating meaningful moments from both sides of the screen? After awhile, it can almost feel like you’re droning on and on at a party, while the person you’re talking to has stopped listening and is eyeing the food spread in the corner instead. How do you captivate your audience and make them excited to spread the word about your brand?

How to solve this problem:

Bring the human element back to your listening and engagement process. Data is wonderful, and understanding what it means is key, but an important next step is to adapt the findings into a future strategy that will work in the real world.

social media marketing problems and solutions

IBM does a great job of keeping the conversation going both ways. Here, they tell a follower how to get their very own TJ Bot.

  • Dig deep. Do not just rely on the numbers. Immerse yourself in your audience’s world. And, don’t forget to participate! Respond to questions or simply with commentary, favorite a tweet, post an emoji in response to a compliment, and solve someone’s problem. Businesses that behave like individuals do much better on social media than those who act like “brands.” While maintaining professionalism, treat your business profiles like a personal one by responding and speaking like a human and you’ll more easily connect with those you want to reach.
  • Speak their language. Just like you might start to adopt slang or fashion that a group prefers, you will need to do the same amount of dutiful research and evaluation to make your brand welcome in a sea of conversations among your target audience. Designate a member of your team or a couple of hours per week to investigate, participate and let your findings sink in to inform your future content creation and outreach strategy.
  • Act on needs/requests. Create specific content that addresses an audience need or demand. For example, blogger Autumn Meyer created a private Facebook group in January 2017 called Abundant30. The idea was to support people trying to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle, without necessarily committing to a program like Whole30. As the month drew to a close, members of the group begged Autumn to keep it going, as it had become so helpful to them. Instead of shutting it down like she planned, she decided to repurpose some of the successful posts and popular discussions by reposting into the month of February. She is responding to her audience’s preferences and finding a sustainable way to do so. What more can you ask for?

These tips will help you understand your core audience base, and create content that will deeply resonate, resulting in more meaningful connections.


Will you please do us a favor?

Tackle at least one of these problem areas in your business this week, and let us know the outcome. We hope these suggestions are as helpful to you in practice as they are to us. We want to hear how it goes, so please check back in and share. Happy problem-solving!

Katie McCall

Katie McCall is a strategic communications consultant, working with clients to establish trustworthy and engaging reputations, driving authentic communication with fans and influencers. She specializes in branding and positioning, storytelling and online advocacy networking. In addition, Katie is a lifestyle portrait photographer, serving clients in her community in Texas.

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