Stay informed with social media alerts
Alerts provide social marketing updates on you and your competitors. Don’t be caught off guard by a breakout post, changes to competitive positioning, or shifts in keyword rankings.
Identify breakout posts
If you or one of your competitors sees a lot of engagement on a specific post, you want to know about it as soon as possible.
Rival IQ keeps an eye on how social posts are performing on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Track breakout posts over your entire competitive landscape, learning when your competitors have a singular post that’s gaining a lot of traction.

Learn when competitors change direction
Be alerted when the competition makes changes to their website. View screenshots of every website in your competitive landscape, and learn when they make edits to title and meta tags.
Using data from SEM Rush, receive news when keyword rankings change. Alerts also let you know whenever the competition makes changes to social profiles including bios and linked sites.
Get the data you want
Whether you want just the big picture or all the little details, for your own social channels or the entire competitive landscape, Rival IQ gives you the power to set alerts in the way that works best for you.
Flexibility is the key. Use a browser or email to receive updates as they happen or in a weekly summary. With the option of multiple recipients, nothing will fall through the cracks.

Ready to level up your social media marketing?
Start measuring the impact of your social media campaigns with a 14-day free trial. No credit card required.