Lesson 4:
Put Your Audit to Work


Social Media Competitive Audit Course with Lauren Teague


  • Employ Lauren’s C's of content

    Context, clarity, connection, and container help facilitate your content planning.

  • Create a playbook

    Define and prioritize your social media strategy channel by channel.

  • Get to work

    Move forward implementing, measuring, and fostering your social strategies.

Download Your Lesson 4 Workbook

Use what you've done in Lessons 1-3 to inform your next steps in this customizable playbook.

Versions: PDF | Keynote | PowerPoint

We can't wait to see your strategy in action!

Lesson 4 Resources

Get a 14-Day Free Trial

Perform your audit with ease. Rival IQ's social media analysis tools cut out manual data pulls and organize your competitive landscape.

Start your free trial here

Have questions for Lauren?

Lauren Teague


Ready to go again? Repeat the course anytime.

Or look back at what you've learned to freshen up your strategy.

Social Media Competitive Audit Course
Lesson 1 Social Media Competitive Audit Course
Lesson 2 Social Media Competitive Audit Course
Lesson 2 Social Media Competitive Audit Course