Report: 2018 Social Media Industry Benchmarks

“How do I stack up against my competitors?”

We hear this question all the time from our customers. The data-driven marketer doesn’t just want to know how her post is doing; she wants to know how it’s doing against similar posts by her competitors.

You’ll find the following inside this report:

  • The Benchmarks: The most important metrics across 10 top industries: Fashion, Food & Beverages, Health & Beauty, Higher Ed, Home Decor, Hotels & Resorts, Influencers, Media, Nonprofits, and Sports Teams.
  • Industry-specific sections: Each section dives into the metrics that matter across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. From hashtags to post media types, it’s here. Oh yeah, and we go beyond the numbers to provide insights you can start using today to influence your social strategy.

Want to stay up to date with all the latest benchmarks? Check out the 2020 Social Media Industry Benchmark Report to compare your performance year over year.

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