Fresh Updates in Rival IQ

Rival IQ News & Events

Big announcements are thrilling. After months of toiling on a new feature, it’s finally time to share it with the world. The team waits with bated breath, waiting to see reactions, feedback, and usage. But this isn’t one of those announcements.

Instead, I’m here to share that we’ve made a series of improvements that will enhance and simplify your analysis with Rival IQ.

These changes are designed to streamline your experience, making it easier for you to identify actionable insights and eliminate noise. 

Together these new Rival IQ features mean you’ll be able to:

Here are the details:

Improved Tag Manager

Tagging companies within your landscape allows you to filter which companies you include in an analysis. You can now easily create more tags and select all the companies you want to be associated with a tag. The Tag Manager can now be accessed from anywhere tags can be applied.

NEW! Facebook boosted post panel

Likely Boosted Posts now has its own panel in Facebook Social Posts dashboard. Using this panel, you can compare which companies boost the most posts and the engagement they receive by boosting posts. You’ll still see these in your Top Landscape Posts, and have the ability to sort, exclude, or include in your social post analysis. Facebook Boosted Post Detection is included in Engage and Engage Pro plans.


Post Layout Options in Custom Dashboards

Previously grid and mosaic layouts for visual posts were only available in the social posts section. Now, you can include choose which layout works best for you in any custom dashboard!


Improved Navigation

Ensuring that Rival IQ remains just as intuitive and easy to use as the first day you joined is important to our team. New features and settings can create a crowded sidebar, so to prevent that a few improvements recently rolled out.

Duplicate Landscapes

Simplify your process of recreating a landscape. Duplicating landscapes makes it easy to modify of existing landscapes instead of starting from scratch.

These new enhancements, except the Likely Boosted Post panel, are available for all customers.

Our engineering and product team is excited to share these improvements with you (as evident by the .gif they shared below). As always, we enjoy hearing from you. Drop us an email, a message on Facebook, or a tweet us.

Cassandra Schwartz

Cassandra leads our product marketing, focusing on product, brand, and communications needs. Cassandra has worked in marketing and communications for nearly a decade helping businesses like Microsoft including Xbox and The Garage, Pike13, and many others connect with their audiences. Outside of work, Cassandra keeps extraordinarily active. An avid community builder, she leads the Seattle Lean In Circle, and co-founded SheHasDrive, as well as a peer-mentoring program based in Seattle. Since moving to Seattle from Kansas, Cassandra has adopted an outdoors lifestyle that includes hiking, skiing, and kayaking. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

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