Providing clients with the best is a top priority for a full-service design and digital agency like Deloitte Digital.
Working with the biggest brands around the globe, Deloitte Digital takes a creative agency approach to a whole new level, combining creative services with strategy and digital prowess.
The agency is an arm of the global consultancy company Deloitte. Recognizing that brands need more than ideation, Deloitte Digital was created to merge business capabilities with the digital opportunities major brands want to provide customers. The projects can be expansive, changing the way brands serve their customers. When starting a new project, the first step is to assess the whole digital landscape. Sonya Rhee, senior studio manager of technology at Deloitte Digital uses this opportunity to engage executives in the audit and evaluation process.
Easy from the Start
It’s important for senior managers like Rhee to be able to distill complex digital information giving clients the most critical information to move forward. Rival IQ makes this easy from the start. When Rhee walks executives through Rival IQ, they immediately understand the value. “Rival IQ does all the hard work and gives you the answer,” said Rhee. On top of making the process simple and ensuring that executives get it right away, Rhee most values the Rival IQ alerts. Being notified when competitors change messaging gives Rhee key insight into broader strategy changes – a critical component that allows her to serve her clients better.
“Rival IQ does all the hard work and gives you the answer.” – Sonya Rhee, Senior Studio Manager at Deloitte Digital
Social as Part of Strategy
It’s easy for brands to fall into the silo trap. Managing marketing and communication activities can be a mess. For many traditional brands, digital marketing has been treated as its own segment within the marketing or communication teams. It’s not uncommon for Rhee to discover siloing even within social media management. Tweet fleets are separate from Facebook managers, and customer support may use social media separately and differently from an ambassador team.
These disconnects need consideration when reviewing projects and determining how a new digital project affects a brand’s social media presence. To assess the lay of the land Rhee is looking for clues on how clients can serve their customers better. “Using Rival IQ, I look at how they perform in comparison to their competitors and present them opportunities to improve their relationship with customers,” said Rhee.
Rational Social
Part of Deloitte Digital’s unique approach is tapping their business knowledge and evaluating where to invest resources. Rhee relies on Rival IQ data to create rational strategies for social investments.
“Using data to determine where to make social investments removes the guesswork,” says Rhee, “Rival IQ provides that necessary data to prove the value or illustrate why they should not invest.” That data arms Rhee with the answers to executives’ questions and sets them on the right path for social success.
Providing clients with strategic value is central to any agency’s relationship with clients. For Rhee, this means proactively assessing complex marketing opportunities and activities. Diving into data, sharing insights and helping clients see the possibilities deepens the relationship. Rival IQ enables Rhee to easily provide clients with insight and strategic value.